List of Scrap Yards in Manchester

  1. Manchester Scrap Metal Ltd

  2. Address: 33 Bedford Street, Manchester, M13 9GP Phone: 0161 224 9119

  3. T-Met Ltd Address: Unit 11, Brewery Lane, Slade Lane Industrial Estate, Manchester, M13 0PD Phone: 0161 273 8484

  4. P&D Metals Ltd Address: Unit 15-17, Ladywell Trading Estate, Eccles, Manchester, M30 0UT Phone: 0161 787 7877

  5. Scrap Car Manchester Address: Unit 1, Milltown Industrial Estate, Eccles, Manchester, M30 0HH Phone: 0161 222 2221

  6. Auto Salvage Manchester Address: Unit 4, Wharf Road Industrial Estate, Manchester, M17 1AD Phone: 0161 848 9896

  7. Alpha Recycling Address: Unit 13, Lockett Street, Manchester, M8 8EG Phone: 0161 205 4239

  8. Lancashire Waste Recycling Ltd Address: 5 Commercial Brow, Hyde Road, Manchester, M12 6AQ Phone: 0161 220 7545

Please note that these contact details are subject to change, and it is always advisable to call ahead to confirm opening times and availability of services.